Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Allez les bleus!

I had to write my artist paper and prepare my presentation on Monday, which is all I really did until dinner time, where we had a group dinner at a restaurant with all of the professors. It was a lot of fun, and the last time the entirety of the group was together. That night I also saw Katie's host family's home (who were out of town) and I ended up missing the last metro so I stayed the night and we made crepes. The next morning I came home, finished up and emailed my paper, practiced my presentation, took a shower, and met Anna and then wandered around for a while until class. Both classes were all presentations. I had trouble concentrating throughout all the presentations...Before I had to give mine I was super nervous, and then afterwards (it turned out well) I just sort of checked out, and was just relieved to be absolutely done with work.
That evening I went to a football game!!!! (soccer, that is). It was France vs. Columbia and WAY exciting. We ended up sitting in a high concentration of Columbian fans, but it was all good. France won, one-zero. I also felt pretty good about being able to sing along with the French national anthem when it played before the game. Everyone was so high energy, and it was just amazing to be there. I'm not sure I can really express how cool it was. Cool in two ways actually. It was cold and I was wearing shorts. whoops. Oh well.
Today we technically had class. We were out in the Jardin de Luxmbourg (where it got really cold) and a comedian came and answered questions and told us a couple of jokes. He was pretty good. And pretty provocative/not politically correct. Plus, he was really willing to answer our questions, and gave good, thoughtful answers. So that was neat. Then we had a "picnic" at Cathy's apartment where it was bread and cheese and cookies and juice and we just chilled. That's when we did most of our goodbyes. It doesn't seem real that I'm leaving. It was so strange to realize that we all were leaving, and saying goodbye.
Then me and Becky wandered around for quite a while. She found something for her dad, and then we went in search of a flower shop so I could bring flowers home to my host family as a last day sort of thanks thing. Well, flower shops are hard to come by, but I finally found one and got sunflowers. And now I need to pack pack pack. And then I'll be leaving at like 5:30am tomorrow to meet Kay and Becky at a metro station and then we're going to the airport together. And then on to Carleton. I can't believe it. This term was great, but passed by way too fast! But I can't really think about that right now...I haven't started packing yet, so I'm going to get on that right now. (And the picture below is the doorway to CUPA. it's right in between a kids clothing shop called Lapin Bleu and a store called Jeans Paradis. It's kind of a random location...some food places and clothing stores. and then this nondescript door.)

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