Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Doves, Dancing, Devoirs*

Yesterday was half full of not too much-slept in, got some homework done and had a short meeting with Cathy, making sure everything is going ok. (Which it is).

The actual exciting part of yesterday was after dinner. But first, we went to this place called Patata Café, which was all about baked potatoes. So that was my first restaurant experience here. A baked potato and a salad, which was quite tasty.
Then, Spectacle de l'Ecole de Danse! It was in the Opera house, which was like Phantom of the Opera. So the building was amazing! And our seats. I was in this booth, right next to the stage, and I could look over and see the orchestra. Behind us we had extra seats and couches and a mirror and a place to hang coats. And inside the theater was spectacular! I can't really do it justice by explaining, so I've posted a couple of pictures I got during intermission/before the show.
I really liked the ballet, too. (Although they were so skinny. Which I guess is the nature of ballerinas, but we were so close, you could really see it. Also, they were all probably around 16) There were 3 parts. The first one was more classic ballet, on pointe and more traditional costumes. The 2nd was more telling a story. They were a poor travelling circus. I liked this one because there was a lot of variety, and there were a couple of acrobats who didn't do near enough, I thought.

Although, they had live doves, and I swear one died onstage. The magician threw them into the air at the end of the act, and one just fell down and stayed in place. When one of the dancers tried to pick it up, it flapped around a bit, and another had to pick it up and get it off stage. It was funny and sad at the same time. And at the end a girl carried two doves in a cage offstage, and on her way, a dove fell out of the cage and she almost tripped over it. It was a bad day for doves.

The third part might have been my favorite. It was more modern, but not too modern. Which is important (i think) to point out, because some modern dance is, well, just weird. But this was really neat, and had pretty much everyone in the group in it. And I think in terms of male and female dancers, it was pretty even. When it was just guys dancing, it reminded me a little bit of the awesome dance scenes in Newsies. Even though it wasn't like that at all. Even though one guy had a hairstyle that was totally that style.
Today, I almost woke up too late, because I kept hitting my snooze alarm, but I was actually early, because I didn't have time to make and drink tea, which then gave me more time. I did get my backpack stuck in the metro doors because I jumped on at the last moment. That was a touch embarassing, because the metro was crowded, and some man had to help me open the doors a touch to get my backpack through. Oh well.

There's not much to say about classes. Except the last one, Théâtre. That one was fun. We started out with meditation again, did some more vowel pronunciation and a tongue twister. Then we worked with space again, keeping in mind the locations of other people, and walking and talking with different moods or situations. So that was fun. Then we did a mirror activity-where we took turns being another's mirror. Then we did improv- telling stories as the others acted them out, and creating stories when given a theme. So we had the kids who lost their toys in a mean neighbor's yard, and a princess who had to find a husband but had an evil sorceress mom, graduation, a marriage, and a javelin accident. It was fun, and pretty entertaining.

And now I have to do work. I have a bit to do for tomorrow, but it doesn't look too bad. And I shouldn't complain, because I probably could have gotten more done this weekend. As always.

1 comment:

Sunflower56 said...

Which story to be acted out was yours? I would guess the javelin accident?