Friday, April 25, 2008

Yay! The Zoo!

I really am a little kid at heart. Zoos are so cool!
(First, dessert the other night was amazing. It was mousse au chocolat on the inside of these cookies soaked in coffee. And it was probably my favorite thing I've eaten so far. mmm)
(That's my house. I live on the third floor, but on the other side)

But yesterday was great. I met some friends at a metro stop only 3 away from my home, and really, I could have walked. It was a gorgeous day, and I ended up not needing a sweatshirt, which was awesome! And we went to the zoo in the Bois de Vincennes. I also got a banana nutella crepe. those things are fantastic. But the zoo was tons of fun, and the weather helped A LOT. There were 6 of us, and we wandered around and took pictures and had a lot of fun. It wasn't a very big zoo, and there wasn't anything exceptional or different about it. But it was a zoo, and it was sunny, and I was with friends, and I had a blast.
(This happened a lot. There's probably a lot of the same picture. I was amused. That's Kristine, Davey and Jess)

Then we had to go to the Centre Pompidou for a museum visit with Jerome, our professor. Let's just say I'm really glad that I already visited the museum there, because with Jerome, we only see one or two rooms, because we just stand there and talk. Forever. Sometimes it's really interesting. But it's tiring, and it would be more interesting if we could see more. Still, I guess it beat sitting in a classroom. And the musée national de l'art moderne is pretty cool.
(This zebra was chasing the ducks. It was pretty hilarious).

Today I had classes as usual. Nothing special. I recited the 6 lines I'd memorised from the Misanthrope, and we had a written quiz in my second class. That kind of thing reminds me this isn't just an extended vacation. Then I went home. I walked to the post office and bought a couple of stamps, and it was super nice out. So after going back to my room for a little bit, I decided I needed to take a walk. So I did, but it was shorter than I probably would have gone, because my host mom told me to be back in an hour-we were going out to dinner. I was going to look for this hill with an awesome view that I'd found while running to take a picture, but I ran out of time). This is the first time I've gone out to dinner with my host parents. And I really enjoyed it.

Maxcence and Calixte were at my host father's parent's for the night, so me and my host mom with baby Louis went to meet my host father at the restaurant. We got there way early, so we walked around the area, which had a lot of restaurants and shops. Then we went to Club Med World for drinks. My host mom doesn't drink alcohol, but I tried a sex on the beach. (I chose this because I'd tried it at Carleton, and wanted to see how it was when real bartenders made it, as opposed to college students. Also, when we were at the bar with that one French guy Vincent, the translation was sex and beach. and I thought that was funny. Club Med got it right though). My host mom then discovered that in the US, I'm underage when it comes to drinking, but I can still vote and such. My host father joined us, and got a pina colada.
(Above is a picture of a path that leads to the Château de Vincennes, which I passed on my walk today).

Then we went over to a restaurant called Nicolas. (The area we were in is where the wines of Paris are from, and where, in the old days, the wine would come on the river, and they'd bottle it there). I got this mashed fish potato dish (I'm pretty sure that's what it was) and it was really tasty. And came with a salad (I think everything did). My host parents both got macaroni. no joke. Then we ordered dessert. It took forever, because there was some mix up. Which turned out in our favor, because our waitor then brought us free glasses of champagne. (We had red wine with dinner.) So that was kind of funny. And that was my day, in a nutshell. And I also really like my host parents. They sometimes make fun of me, which I find hilarious. They're great. I promise I'll have pictures at some point.

1 comment:

Sunflower56 said...

OK ... So ... last I checked our American dictionary shows the word memorize with a "Z"
--> memorize (ˈme-mə-ˌrīz) Date: 1834. To commit to memory; learn by heart. 2. Computer Science To store in memory

1834?? does that mean the word was created that year?

But it appears your brain is turning French because this is found in the French dictionary:
mémoriser Verb, transitive
to memorise; (Comput) to store data

Actually probably a good indication that you are starting to think in French?