Monday, April 21, 2008

The night bus! It's like Harry Potter!

Going back to the night I may or may not have been going to a club...I ended up going to a club, but not with the people I had anticipated. I wasn't going to go out at first-we got done with dinner at 10:30 and I was going to call/text Davey or someone to say, sorry, I didn't make it (everyone was meeting at 10). But just then Prakriti called me, and said, hey, the club didn't open until 11 so I should totally come. So I decided, hey, why not? I've yet to really go out at night, and I might as well see what this club is all about. I got there, and found I wasn't the only one who came late, so that was good. We walk towards the club, and it was going to be 13 euros, and most of the group was going to leave in time for the last metro around 1am. So me, Katie and Becky decided not to spend 13 euros for about an hour (when the club wouldn't be that busy anyways, because apparently the way nightlife works in France, is that people go out with the last metro, and stay up until the metro opens again in the morning at 5 or so am.)

Katie knew of a free club, so we went in search of that. We found it, and it wasn't too big-upstairs was a crazy crowded bar, and downstairs was slightly less crowded, had a small bar, and had dancing, so we danced for a bit. It was kind of crazy, because pretty much every song was american. But they weren't current-we heard Destiny's Child (Lady Marmalade, which was kind of funny because that's the one with the one french line "Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir") And, this one was random: The Blues Brothers' song Everybody Needs Somebody To Love. I found that hilarious. And a lot of the French people knew the words. Crazy. When we went home, it was after 1am, so we had to take the night buses, which are a little complicated and confusing, but all turned out fine, and we all made it home safely.

Yesterday I slept in a little bit. It looks like Sundays, we'll often have guests. We had lapin (rabbit) with this tasty mustard sauce, and this potato purée. Then we had a tart citron, which was one of my favorite desserts so far. There was a crust, lemon filling, and this whipped topping. And it was amazing. Then I tried to get some homework done, because I actually have a bit to get done, but ended up falling asleep after wasting some time. It's hard to get motivated to do homework, but I always manage to finish it. I guess not much happened yesterday, because then we had dinner. Which was this sort-of pizza, that was alsacienne (okay, that might be the wrong word) but it had this really thin, almost pastry like crust, and onion and some sort of meat and maybe a sauce. Either way, it was super good. And dessert was a coffee éclair, where the inside was like amazing soft serve coffee ice cream. All in all, a good day for desserts.

Today I met Becky and Anna and we went to the library at the Centre Pompidou. We got there 20 minutes before it opened at noon, and still had to wait well over an hour in line to get in. Libraries here are a little ridiculous. Especially this one. While we were in line, this guy (who, I might add, cut in front of us at some point, because he definitely wasn't there when we got there. By the time we got in, I really wanted to punch all the people who cut. jerks). Anyways, he turns to us and asks in English (cause he heard us all talking in English) if we were looking to go to the museum. Like we were some stupid Americans waiting in the wrong line. And we were like, um, we know what's going down. We're going to the library. So that was kind of funny.

Then we got sandwiches at a random stand (The first two pictures were what we were looking at when we ate. I love how, in the midst of this random modern artsy fountain, and modern buildings, there's this ancient church. All of Paris is like that, it seems.) Anna and I then went to the Musée du Quai Branly, which had lots of ancient artifacts from Oceania, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. It was really cool, even though kind of overwhelming with how much stuff was there. It was also designed by the architect who built the Guthrie in Minneapolis (though I've never been). I wasn't really a fan of the was annoying to navigate, and if there were a lot of people, even worse. Oh well. It was still pretty cool. I really liked, while walking up to where the collections were, there were these random videos projected on the jelly fish, or waves.

And now I'm home, and need to finish my homework. (When I first came home, there were two crying children. Man, they can be loud! And right now, they've been put to bed, or maybe they're playing quietly in their room. Quietly is the wrong word, because the two year old was just screaming "mama" down the stairs. He's stopped now. But it happens a lot. It's also funny, because after they're put to bed, the four year old will often call down the stairs to his mom, and say he has something to tell her, or a secret to tell her, and I have a feeling it's usually really trivial, but it's just so he can go downstairs. Or get attention. It's kind of funny.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Hi Amy from the Blockheads....
You totally "rock" with these blogs and pictures! Can you make us a nice french meal upon your return? Sounds like you are eating some interesting meals. What about sending Kimmie some top 10 french songs to play on her radio show. Interesting how many American songs they play over there. Hope the screaming/talkative kids aren't keeping you up at night..Brings back memories of Coop and Bryce when they were little.. They weren't screamers, just schemers trying to get out of bed....Hope you haven't had the urge to punch anyone lately:)