Thursday, April 17, 2008

France's military history in its entirety.

Yesterday we had class in the morning. Not too much to talk about. We had a couple of presentations and did some pronunciation work with vowels. Then, we had the day. Lunch was super tasty; cheese and lettuce sandwhich and a chocolate eclair. And a coca cola, which was kind of an accident. I hadn't actually decided what I wanted to drink, and when the lady asked me I freaked out and said the first thing I thought of. Oh well.
Then I went with Anna and Rachel to the Army Museum, where they had a lot of armor, and swords, and helmets, and crossbows and daggers and horse armor, and cannons. A lot of cannons. So that was pretty exciting. Then we walked through the WWI and II museum, which took a while, as it was very extensive. It was rather exhausting, but pretty interesting, and kind of a good refresher on that aspect of history.

Then we went over and saw Napoleon's tomb, which in the end, wasn't too exciting, or at least that's what I though. It was in a pretty spectacular building, but I feel like every building here is spectacular.
It was a gorgeous day out-and it really felt like spring. So we decided to walk from where the museums were to a metro stop that was across the Seine and a ways down. I'm not sure how far down, all I know is that yesterday my pedometer on my phone said I walked 8 and a half miles for the entire day. It was really nice walking along the Seine. Then, we ended up in a sort of shopping district which could be fun to go back to. We also got pastries at a little boulanger, and that was really tasty. (I got an apple tart thing).

Then we went home. I was exhausted, so I took a two and a half hour nap, and then, I'm not sure what I did until dinner. Although, I wasn't feeling too great. Dinner was tasty, as usual; some kind of meat (that was cooked pretty rarely, for me at least, but still tasted fine) over sauteed eggplant and mushrooms, bread and cheese as usual, and strawberries and chocolate cake.
Last night, I didn't sleep too well. I couldn't fall asleep easily, and had a stomach ache, so this morning was really slow. I stayed in my pajamas until probably 1ish and read Claude Geux by Victor Hugo for class tomorrow. Then I took a shower, which made me feel marginally better. I was going to try to go to a library today to do some research for my paper on this contemporary artist (which means I have to find a library that actually has information on him, because he's a current, living artist), but I just couldn't get myself to leave my room. I also memorised my 6 lines from Le Misanthrope for my class tomorrow morning, which was surprisingly easy, considering how bad I am at memorsing things. But other than that, I wasn't too productive. I just took an hour nap, after lying down on my bed to shut my eyes for a minute. I kind of just wish I would throw up or something, in order to validate not doing anything today, and feeling crappy, and I feel like that might make me feel better. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight and be fine for classes tomorrow, and be able to get my research done this weekend. (Oh, also, I didn't have class today, because it was moved to Saturday for a museum visit. So that was probably a good thing, considering how I felt today).

Well, sorry this post is kind of a downer. Hopefully my next one will be a lot happier, and a bit more interesting. (To be fair, yesterday was really good until my nap.)


Anonymous said...

i'm really bad at memorsing things too

Sunflower56 said...

"memorsing?" Is that a French word?

And wow, what does one have to do these days to end up in a resting place like that?

Anonymous said...

Amy, I knew what you meant even if your other so-called relations didn't. Sorry you're not feeling well - get better!