Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Science! or, Photo Opportunities Disguised as a Science Museum

Yesterday was classes, as usual, and then I went on a run. It was really nice out-I wore shorts and a tshirt running, and it was awesome! It's kind of warming up, so that's promising. This time I didn't get lost, and found this random hill, and at the top was a sweet lookout where you could see the Château de Vincennes. I'll have to look for it again. I was also probably Kim and Ezra's only listener for their radio show, so, next week at 7pm my time, meaning 12 for midwesters and 10 for west coasters, you should tune into KRLX ( and listen to Kim make a fool of herself. And speaking of KRLX, I like randomly, if I'm at home doing homework, to see if I know the DJs on KRLX (which is Carleton's radio station) and if I do, to listen and send messages online. It makes me feel a little more connected, and makes me miss them a little less. Or, rather, remind me how much I miss Carleton. Oh well. Good feelings are involved at any rate.
Today I had class in the morning, and then I tried out the Wokbar, which is this restaurant that's like 2 doors down from CUPA. It was super good. They have italian (with is just pasta) and thai (with different sauces, and noodles or rice) and it's super good. We ate in the Jardin de Luxembourg, and some random art student came up and took portraits of those of us who were willing. That was fun. Then we ventured to the far north east I think, of Paris, for the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie. Awesomeness ensued. (Except the part about taking pictures with my cellphone, because my camera batteries-and my backups!-were completely dead. sadface.)
This museum was giant. We started with this car exhibit, and then...gosh, I'm just going to list some stuff, because I can't quite remember everything, and in order. There was a lot of car stuff, crash test dummies, interactive computer things, a space ship, a fighter plane, a sort of greenhouse, a room full of light tricks/optical illusions, a room about evolution and genes, the history of earth, stars, physics/laws of the universe, space, and a history from 1961-2003 (I think) relating to our voyages into space, energy, sounds (where there was this crazy surround/3-D sound room), and lots lots more. It was a lot of fun, and I went with 9 other people, though most of the time I spend it with Anna, Jessie and Prakriti, and we for the most part, didn't learn too much, but found fun things to take pictures of, mainly in reflective surfaces. It was tons of fun!
Then we went back towards CUPA, sat in the Jardin de Luxembourg and stopped by a post office because we had time, and then ended at CUPA where we had a wine and cheese tasting with our group. Which was short and sweet. Plus, the bread was amazingly tasty. And I love cheese. And the wine was pretty good. (And I relearned about the shape of wine bottles...they're Bordeaux if they have "shoulders" and if not, they're Borgogne. Or that's what I understood. I may have mixed them up. Anyways, the shape of wine bottles indicates where they're from (region and such) and my host father had explained that before to me.) Then, on the way home, me and Anna listened to Guys and Dolls and then Hairspray on the metro, and bonded over loving musicals, and those movies. It was a good day. Though now I'm super super tired. Luckily I don't have anything until 12:30 tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

we actually had a few listeners! someone from 2nd libe liked us and julia found a portable radio so she could listen while at work! it was exciting. also, that museun looks ridiculously awesome.

Sunflower56 said...

That is my favorite kind of museum! Wow, if anything, that makes me really want to go to Paris now. I found the website (all in French so a little bit of a challenge for me)
but fun to look at the images. Amy, I am glad you got that cell phone with the camera in it!

BTW, my mom and sisters are really enjoying your blogs - I have encouraged them to leave comments so you know they are reading them - but in case you don't know, they are all following your adventures and salivating with the rest of us over your food descriptions!

Sunflower56 said...

P.S. Still hoping to see what your host family looks like!