Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I feel like I'm never "home" anymore. Kind of like at Carleton, when I never spend time in my room. Speaking of rooms, I know where I'm living next year at Carleton--in a house, and not a dorm. It's in a triple, and I'm excited. Plus, quite a few people from the Paris trip are living near me, so that's cool. Anway.

Yesterday was full of class: listened to artist presentations in the morning, spent a few hours eating lunch, and working on random homework/procrastinating/talking with people, had another class where we talked about L'étranger again, and then my Théâtre Atelier. Which, of course, was fun. We talked about body language, and certain french things. We also read part of this text that's something along the lines of 40 some odd variations on one story. It's all the same story, just written in different styles. Such as zoologic, where there's a bunch of animal metaphors. Or analytic/logic where it's a list of what went on. Or onomatopoeias with, well, lots of onomatopoeias, or present tense, or past tense. Or, the one that was funny was written phonetically how someone with a very british-english accent would say the story in french.
(in the mosaic room at the Louvre)

Then I went home, did some homework, and, I'm not really sure where the evening went, as usual. Dinner of course, was fantastic as usual. For the past couple nights we've had fruit or sorbet for dessert which is really nice.

Then today I had class in the morning, and then went to the Louvre with Monica and Rachel. That was neat. I'd seen most of the italien and french paintings the last time i'd visited, so while Monica and Rachel looked at those, I wandered through the greek and roman statues. I also got lost, like I always do, and found the medieval Louvre--the foundation from the old Louvre building. And found a room that was dimly lit, with old walls and no one in it. So I didn't go in. I was rather creeped out, and decided that was the last place i'd want to be if I got stuck in the Louvre at night.
(a sculpture at the Louvre)

Then we had to be back at CUPA because Azouz Begag, who was once a minster for opportunity (i forget the actual title of the position, but he works with immigrants) in France, and is a pretty well known author, came to speak to us. We'd just read excerpts from his book L'integration, and I thought that the reading we did was much more interesting than hearing him speak. He is a character, and pretty entertaining, and used lots of Franglais (ie a lot of english words) but I got the impression he thought we couldn't understand french very well, because it seemed like he was talking slowly. So I had mixed feelings about the talk.

I then went to a play about Camille Claudel, an artist/sculpture who was Rodin's lover. Monica is doing her research project on her, so I agreed to go to the play. (i've got to spend my cultural money somehow. we were given 200 euros to spend on cultural things, and have to keep the receipts and if we don't spend it, we have to give it back.) I think I would have understood more/appreciated it more if I'd actually done some research on Camille Claudel beforehand. I didn't have time to/all the sudden it was today. It seemed like it was well done, and I liked that it seemed like most of it was based off of real letter she wrote during her life. Interesting is probably a good word. It was kind of hard to follow (I mean, it was all in french)...
(cool reflections at the Louvre)

So that was today. I was going to try to do some homework, but I might just get some sleep and be productive in the morning before my museum visit. Sleep is not going to go too well in the next week, because of all the papers and things I have due. But I'll get them done, and get a little sleep. I always do.

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