Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cathedral Climbing

Thursday morning I went on a run with Anna, which was the first time I went running with someone else in Paris, in a place not the Bois de Vincennes, went on the metro/through town feeling horribly underdressed-sweats and a tshirt, and the first time I'd seen someone else's host family's house. It was fun.
Then was a "museum" visit, which was more talking about metro station art and contemporary art near Palais Royal. It was interesting enough, but what was hilarious were these two little girls in this courtyard area who joined our class for a while. Neither of them had pants on, and just wandered up to us. Our professor, Jérôme, talked to them, and they said something along the lines of "we're researching adolescents" (in french of course). And then they just sat with us. It was super random.
That evening was a reception at CUPA with the most amazing little fancy sandwich appetizer sorts of food, and mini desserts, juice and champagne. It was for all of us and our host families to come and meet eachother and whatnot. I didn't really meet that many people...except a few host siblings. I think the students outnumbered the parents though, and a lot of our families couldn't make it, mine included. It was still a good time though.
Friday we had class all day, and then had to stay later for a lecture from a Carleton professor who was in Paris with the Maastricht program. He taught us about the European Union, which was interesting, especially because I knew pretty much nothing. He also talked in English, which was bizarre, because I'm not used to listening to that much English at once. After that I went to the Centre Pompidou library and did some research before heading home for dinner and sleep.
Today we went to Chartres, which was a lot of fun. The weather was a little weird. It got a little cold, got nicer, and then was pouring on our train ride home. First we had about an hour for lunch. There was this market, and on one end were random farm animals. It was kind of bizarre, especially because it didn't seem like anyone was actually in charge of them. They were just there in these enclosures. Then I had this amazing goat cheese and bread-ish pocket thing. It was called a fouée I think. Whatever it was, it was amazing! Becky, Brad and I also tasted some local beer and ended up each getting a glass to go with our lunch. So that was fun.
Then we visited the cathedral, which is pretty much why anyone goes to Chartres. We kind of had to rush our visit (we had this English guy as our guide) because it was the first communion ceremony, so there were all these people coming, and lots of children in white robes. We learned about the history of the cathedral, and some of the stories in some of the stained glass. Our tour guide also kind of got in a fight with some random french guy who had staked out seats for the ceremony and got annoyed when we sat around him for maybe 10 minutes and our tour guide told us about some more stained glass and history and things. He was pretty entertaining.
The best part though (and luckily the weather was nice for this part) was getting to climb to the top. Apparently Carleton was the last group to climb up--I guess we have a 30 year history with them, and now they can't say no. It was pretty great to see all the views and architecture and whatnot. It's hard to describe, so hopefully my pictures help illustrate how great it was.

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