Friday, May 23, 2008

A Night On The Town

Thursday got off to a slow start. I submitted my essay after proofreading it and exchanging it with someone else in my class and we proofread eachother's. Then we had Jérôme's class, where we visited a church-St. Eustache. There was an organ concert for kids, so we ended up watching that for most of our class period, and then Jérôme talked a little bit about contemporary art in the church. We were pretty much out of time, but walked over to the Marais, and past this restaurant where everything is in the dark, so the servers lead you to your table and I think what you eat is a surprise. Plus you can't see it. Jérôme said also that the servers were blind. I guess it wouldn't matter if they were or not, but I don't know if I believe him. After that we walked over to see the oldest house in Paris. Who's house was it? Harry Potter fans, I'm not lying. It's Nicolas Flamel's house.
Not too much else went on....My host brothers discovered my small collection of Kinder Surprise Egg toys, and Calixte threw a pencil out the window and also put a penny in his mouth that I had to take out. And then I was in for a very long night. A couple of friends had six hours to spend in Paris while on their way back to Maastricht from Madrid by way of train. So me, Becky and Jess went and me up with Judy, Peter and Derek (I'm pretty good friends with Judy, Becky is really good friends with Peter, Jess was along for the ride, and none of us knew Derek before last night) when their train came in at 11:30. We stored their suitcases at Becky's host family's apartment and took the last métro out to Ménilmontant. There we chilled, got crêpes or paninis and had some wine.We then walked over to this bar/club, and there was no one there. It was like 1:45am, and a guy outside said to come back at 2am. So we walked around some more. (It's how the french party...they go out with the last metro and go home with the first, or a night bus. Things don't start happening until 2am. Of course, it was also a thursday night, so nothing was going to be too busy, and when me and Becky were researching places to go, it took a while to find one open late on a thursday night. Most, when they are open super late, it's just the weekends.) So we went back, and sat by the dance floor-only there was no one dancing. It was kind of funny, because we were a large enough group, and it seemed like when the 6 of us were dancing, other people would too, but when we stopped there were no one. In other words, we were the party.
We then walked back to Becky's apartment (I think it took maybe an hour) and got their suitcases and went and waited for the first metro at 5:30. They headed to the train station, and I headed home. And because I had class at 11:30 today, I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep. Still, it was worth it, because it was a lot of fun, especially to see other Carleton people again who weren't on our program.
Today was my first class, we'd pretty much finished everything we needed to do, so we talked about the film we'd watched and rewatched the end. Then after lunch we had our second class which was just a discussion of this philosophy reading none of us understood and Cathy got kind of annoyed at us. Then I came home, and took a nap. Again, very uneventful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard of that restaurant! The staff really are blind. How weird a concept is that? Who comes up with these ideas?