Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Je suis très fatiguée.

So this is the first time I've finished a paper before late the night before it was due. My ten page paper is due tomorrow at 7pm, but I finished it monday night. Well, tuesday morning. Which meant I didn't get much sleep, so getting up yesterday morning was rough. And tuesday is my longest day of classes. Which weren't all that eventful anyway, except in my théâtre atelier when we learned some slang and some "gros mots" ie curse words. It was pretty entertaining. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.
(Sacré Coeur/Montmartre/The park from the film Amélie)

I did have a nice conversation with my host mom at dinner, where I explained room draw, housing at carleton and having a cat named kim. It was a little confusing, but I think she understood me. It would probably be hilarious to hear myself from their perspective. Because sometimes I'll say a word and my host parents won't understand because I can't say it properly.
(Part of the Mosque)
Today I had a short presentation in my class, which went fine. Mine was pretty short and easy, and I was worried I didn't have enough. Turns out I had really done all I could have. Then Anna Becky and I, after lunch, went to Montmartre and wandered the super tourist-y stores. As much as I pride myself on not being a horrible tourist, do I ever enjoy tourist shops.
(Inside the Mosque)
Then we met the rest of the group and had a little tour of the major mosque of Paris. It was pretty cool, and afterwards we had mint tea and pastries in the salon de thé. The mint tea was amazing! I guess it's green tea, mint tea, and sugar. It was pretty amazing. And the pastries we had were almondy or pistachio-y...various kinds of nuts, sugar, coconut, flour...they were tasty.
(In the Salon de Thé...there are a bunch of little birds on the table eating the crumbs from the pastries of the people next to us. The little birds were all over, along with some pigeons)
And that's the last couple of days. I think I'm going to take a nap before dinner now, because I was about ready to pass out at the end of the mosque visit. I am so tired!

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